Six pack. Fast as hell. Works the speed bag. Hits the battle ropes. Works the mitts. This isn’t the description of the current middleweight boxing champion’s workout. 


This was 68-year-old retired Hall of Fame boxer Sugar Ray Leonard’s workout THIS YEAR.

Leonard, who famously won world titles in five different weight classes, was named Boxer of the Decade by Ring Magazine for the 1980s and was the first boxer to earn more than $100M in fight purses, has never stopped training, despite officially retiring from the sport in the 1997 with a 36-3-1 record.

We’re sharing this video for two impactful reasons:

One, it’s inspiring as hell. This man is almost 70 and he has the speed, reflexes, eye-hand-coordination and movement that still outpaces 99% of guys in their twenties.

And two…

… it’s a perfect example of something we talk about regularly here at MLM, which is that midlife isn’t a time to take off; it’s a time to take action. It’s a time to step it up and stay dedicated to what drives you and motivates you.

You may not be a boxer like Sugar Ray, but whatever you’ve done to maintain your edge into your 40s and 50s, forget giving it up. In fact: step it up!

Recommit. Rededicate. Reinvest in yourself.

Because the best way to stay in your prime is to extend it as long as you can.

If you feel yourself slipping, be it with a physical or mental hobby you’ve enjoyed your whole life, hire a coach to help you stay sharp. Or join a training group to keep you on your game. Whatever it is, find a way to keep pushing and improving while holding yourself accountable.

Check out the video of Sugar Ray’s workout here.