I’ve been trying out the Apollo Neuro for a month, and it’s not just another tracker. It’s a device designed to help you relax, focus, sleep, unwind, and energize. It claims to reduce stress and anxiety by emitting vibrations through a wearable device on your wrist or ankle, controlled via an app that lets you select the desired program.
Initially, I was skeptical. The company offered to send me a device to try, and I’ve been using it for 90-120 minutes each day. In the morning, I start with the “Energy” setting. Mid-afternoon, when I feel tired but still have work to do, I switch to the “Focus” feature. At the end of the day, I select “Unwind,” and before bed, I use the “Sleep” mode. You can feel a gentle vibration that travels up your arm, and it can be adjusted to your preference. It’s not meant to be sharp or distracting, and I actually enjoy the sensation.
I haven’t tried wearing it on my ankle, partly because it resembles a house arrest anklet, but mainly because the strap they sent isn’t long enough. The device is a bit bulky, so I only wear it when I’m actively using it and keep it on the charger next to my bed when I’m not.
Does it really work? I’m not entirely sure, but I feel like it does. Part of its effectiveness might be tied to the routine of using it and believing in its benefits. It makes me more conscious of how I want to feel, and I appreciate having a tool that helps me manage my mood and performance when I need a little extra support.
Is it better than relying on more coffee for energy, alternate stimulants to stay alert, or a sleeping pill at night? I believe so. My WHOOP numbers have improved considerably since I started using the Apollo Neuro, and the data syncs seamlessly between the two devices. I’m not a hardcore data guy, but I think it’s useful to have a baseline for sleep, stress, and recovery, and this combination has been helpful.
The device isn’t cheap, but if you use it daily, it’s worth the investment. It costs less than buying multiple meditation, sleep, focus, and energy apps that you might never end up using.
Interested in trying it, here’s the link. Use code “Midlife Male” to save $60.

Apollo Neuro Wearable
Good vibrations — literally. Apollo’s Neuro wearable goes on your wrist and emits vibrations based on a number of preset programs to help you regulate your energy and mood. Pares with the WHOOP strap to help you get a more complete health data picture.
Discount Code
midlife male