When I first started writing about my midlife experiences in 2017, I never imagined it would lead to where we are today. What began as a personal outlet for thoughts I rarely voiced aloud has evolved into a calling, a purpose, and now a movement aimed at helping men maximize their middle years.

The journey to this point hasn’t been smooth or predictable. 

Fact: The middle is messy.  

Like many of you, I’ve grappled with career dissatisfaction, health issues, marriage, kids, financial pressures, and the struggle to find meaning and direction in midlife. I’ve experienced both the highs of unexpected windfalls and the lows of personal and professional challenges. 

Through it all, one question has driven me forward: 

What does life look like when we choose to live by design, not by default?

Here’s a confession:

I started Midlife Male to help myself. 

I needed help and I didn’t know how to ask for it or where to get it. So I began by asking the right men the right questions, then I did three things:

  1. I applied what I learned to my life.
  2. I turned those interviews into a podcast.
  3. I turned my experiences into a newsletter.

And here we are…312 weeks later.  

A bestselling book, coaching program, podcast and thousands of you reading this newsletter every Sunday. 

I could tell you that I had it all mapped out, but I’d be lying. 

I could tell you that I have it all figured out now, but I’d be lying about that as well. 

The truth is, I’m simply doing the best I can, and what I’m about to share with you will help you do the same.


Today, I’m excited to announce the rebrand and relaunch of Midlife Male, featuring our new website, podcast, and magazine in the form of our flagship newsletter, delivered to your inbox every Sunday morning or right to our app on your phone.

This represents the realization of a long-held vision – a magazine by midlife males, for midlife males. It’s a platform where we can speak our truths, share our experiences, and explore the questions that keep us up at night.

This magazine isn’t about having all the answers. It’s about creating a space where we can be unapologetically real about the joys and challenges of midlife. It’s about building a community where we can learn from each other, support one another, and grow together. It’s about sharing great stories that have an opinion, viewpoint, perspective, reverence and humility. Also, humor. There’s a lot of self-deprecating humor around here.

At its core, Midlife Male is dedicated to helping men gain access, insights, network, accountability, and the support they need to make better life choices. We’re here to show that it’s possible – and necessary – to pursue happiness, health, wealth, and fulfillment in our middle years and beyond. 

Because when you start making better life choices the majority of the time, the majority of your life gets better. 

It’s that simple. 

As we embark on this new chapter, I invite you to join us. Whether you’re feeling lost, seeking inspiration, or simply curious about what’s possible in midlife, there’s a place for you here. Together, we can challenge the narrative that our best years are behind us and instead embrace the idea that midlife is for growth, reinvention, and living life on our own terms.

This isn’t just about me anymore. It’s about us – a community of men supporting each other, sharing our stories, and daring to imagine what else is possible. When you’re part of Midlife Male, you’re in a room with people who could be anywhere and do anything but choose to be here – and that’s when you know you’re in the right place.

So here’s to new beginnings, to asking tough questions, and to maximizing every moment of our middle years. Here’s to the starting line of the rest of your life. 

Here’s to the new Midlife Male.

In Health, 


PS: If our movement and mission resonates with you, please share this website or our newsletter with the other midlife men in your life.