As men, we rarely spend time thinking about what’s most important to us.

We just follow “the path”…

We go to school, graduate, get a job, get married, have kids and so on.

And we wake up in midlife questioning everything.

  • What do we really want out of life?

  • What do we want our life to look like, feel like and – most importantly – be like?

  • What does success really look like for us?

These are important questions, and they get louder and more important each year.

The challenge is that, if you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll never get there.

Knowing what’s important is what is most important.

You have to stop looking at the outside when you look in the mirror and start taking a good, hard look at what’s inside.

What I’ve found is that chasing authenticity where authenticity doesn’t exist is exhausting.

This accumulation of things, whether it’s retail therapy, cars, watches, or financial success… it’s always a “grass is greener” mentality. The midlife clichés are unfortunately true because, like me, the majority of men fall into these traps anyway.

I call this the over-indexing trap. We over-index at work, chasing things at the expense of what real success, happiness and fulfillment mean to us.

Fortunately, you can change your life at any age, any stage and any time.

I know some really old 30-year-olds. I know some really young 60-year-olds. There’s not a specific time or tipping point where it happens to all guys. I think it’s different for all of us.

The big question to ask now is HOW you plan to take yourself off the beaten path and onto the path that is authentic and real for you.