This is Issue No. 3 of Midlife Male, a lifestyle digital magazine and podcast for midlife men. For additional midlife perspectives during the week, follow us on Instagram, YouTube, and Threads.

How I See It with Don Saladino

Don Saladino is a coach and fitness entrepreneur who has trained A-list actors, athletes and musicians for 25+ years. In addition to running his global online fitness business, Saladino recently trained actors Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds for their roles in Marvel’s Deadpool & Wolverine.

MLM Founder Greg Scheinman took a trip to Saladino’s famous training barn in New York, got in a workout and sat down with Saladino to talk about money, midlife, muscles and more.

Please enjoy this week’s How I See It with Don Saladino.

On Creating Your Own Luck and How a 6AM Workout Led to a Dream MLM Interview

Don Saladino is a guy I’ve wanted to meet and train with for a while now.  He’s a legend in the fitness industry, a husband and father, fellow Long Islander (I grew up there) and trainer to some of the quintessential midlife males like Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds.

He’s also in his late 40s and jacked, still playing hockey and maximizing midlife himself. A while back I saw that he was speaking at STRONG NY, an event put on by my friend Kenny Santucci, so I called Kenny and asked to attend. He was cool enough to hook me up with a VIP ticket and I booked my flight. I figured I’d get my five minutes or so with Don sometime during the event and if I was lucky, maybe get his contact information and look to develop a bit of a relationship, have him on the podcast and the rest would be history.

It ended up being way more than that. Here’s how it all unfolded…

Millions of stories are posted online every day and 99.9% are noise. We sifted through the nonsense to share standouts with actionable takeaways you can use to maximize your life in each of our 6Fs: Fitness. Family. Finance. Food. Fashion. Fun. Let’s go.


A Survey on How to Live a Life Without Regret

Sebastian Terry, a world renowned speaker, is one of my favorite people. He recently surveyed his massive audience and asked them these five questions:

  1. Does regret impact your life?

  2. What is your biggest regret?

  3. Have you learned a valuable lesson from regret?

  4. In five words or less, what would your life look like if you had no regret?

  5. What advice would you give to a loved one to help them?

The results, which you can read here, are incredible – and incredibly useful for midlife males.


Why Everyone’s Asking Me About My Garage Gym Pulley System

I posted a video working out in my garage and I couldn’t believe the number of people who asked me about the pulley system I was using. For those interested, here it is.


The Life Insurance that Rewards Healthy People

Did you know there is a life insurance policy that you can get through John Hancock that rewards you if you stay in shape and take care of yourself. I use it. Here’s more info.


My 2 Favorite Chicken Sauces I Combine into One Super Sauce

If you’re like me and you eat a ton of chicken, you know it gets boring over time. But chicken is loaded with protein and low fat, which you know, so the way I keep it tasting great is to combine two of my favorite dipping sauces: Primal Kitchen Buffalo Sauce and Toby’s Jalapeno Ranch. Trust me on this.


This Pair of Sunglasses is Your New Secret Weapon

RayBan Wayfarers are among the most classic and iconic pairs of sunglasses ever made. If you haven’t checked them out lately, they’ve been modestly updated, polarized and are a modern original.  Don’t mess them up by going with any of the funky colors, mirrored edition or anything other than black or tortoise. Keep ’em simple and keep ’em classic.


Enjoying Musician Allen Stone’s VIP Experience

My friend, musician and MLM podcast guest Billy Mann introduced me to an artist named Allen Stone with whom he co-wrote a track called “A Father’s Song.”  It’s an exceptional song and close to my heart as a father and someone who lost their dad early in life.

Allen’s on tour and stopping in Houston, so when I was buying tickets for me and Kate to go, I noticed he was offering a VIP experience. These are the types of experiences I find fun: an opportunity to meet, connect, question and learn from a talented artist.

Here’s what we got:

  • Exclusive VIP Viewing from Side Stage During Allen’s Performance

  • Intimate Soundcheck Performance Featuring VIP Exclusive Unreleased Music

  • Q&A Session with Allen Stone

  • Group Photograph with Allen Stone

  • An autographed tour poster

Most importantly, It was a fun evening.

The MLM lesson here is not just to buy fun experiences, but also maximize them!

Better one or better two?

This is our weekly Midlife Male poll based on one of our key frameworks:

Deep down you often know the right answer when problems arise, but you overthink things. You get stuck in your own head. Don’t.

Here at MLM we believe in trusting your gut. Going with that first, honest instinct.

Same idea with this poll.

Read. React. Vote.

Let’s see what your gut tells you, then we’ll share the results next week with our own take.

Last week’s poll results

It was a dead heat!

This week’s poll — click to vote!


Like what you see? Follow our new Midlife Male channels on Instagram, YouTube, and Threads for more.
