As someone who previously worked as an insurance executive for years, I know a good offer when I see one. And I’m really digging these new tech-powered approaches to health insurance and health benefits, in which you get rewarded for proving that you regularly exercise and take care of yourself (Things we should be doing anyway).

Life insurance is a cornerstone of legacy planning. I’ve unfortunately known men who passed away suddenly whose families weren’t taken care of because the end-of-life paperwork wasn’t done well. You need life insurance. And if you live a healthy lifestyle, you should look into opportunities for it to save you money.

John Hancock Vitality rewards healthy lifestyles — and with their Vitality PLUS program, you can earn your way toward either a Apple Watch for $25 or a complementary FitBit. Other perks include a free Headspace subscription and retail discounts at places like Amazon and Starbucks.


John Hancock Vitality

A program that can save you money and offers tools and resources to help you live a longer, healthier life. Receive discounts and earn points you can redeem for perks.