Better Than Yesterday

by | Oct 20, 2019

What is the MidLife Male™?

He’s a guy @35-55 balancing work, life, family, health/fitness, finance/money, some style/fashion - trying to balance it all and live his best life possible without regret.
He’s about having both substance and style. About punching the bully in the mouth. About experiences over things. He’s about quality over quantity. He’s about learning and living. About trying, failing and ultimately succeeding. He’s about questioning things. He’s not trying to fit in or conform. He’s into iconic, classic, timeless style.

He’s about being a great father. About understanding that there are no things more valuable than time, health and family. He’s about knowing when enough is enough. He is about perseverance, discipline and having fun.
I talk to other midlife males on my podcast. I publish a newsletter about fitness, food, fashion, family, finance and fun - not to provide advice or come at this like I'm any kind of expert but rather that we’re all in this together, just trying to do our best, be our best and be happy, secure and comfortable in our own skin - Midlife Male is a lifestyle for "like-minded" guys just trying to figure it all out.
Just hoping to inspire, aspire and perspire together.

Had the opportunity to attend a great event yesterday in Austin presented by Guy Talk and Ten Thousand Gear.


The theme behind it was Better than yesterday.

That there is no overnight success.

I really like the gear, the message and the people and it got me thinking.

Regardless of your age or stage in life being better than yesterday makes sense.

There were guys there in their 20’s and 30’s who had questions about where I am in and “getting there” in their 40’s and it was great to experience.

One of the ways I try to be better than yesterday myself is by spending time with younger guys who have the energy, motivation and drive to improve and helping them thru my personal experiences.

I get to give as much as I get at these events and I enjoy that.

In my personal space, helping guys navigate middle age to achieve a better quality of life also makes me better than yesterday. Talking, commiserating, learning and challenging one another on equal footing.

There’s a third component that has me calling one of my mentors on the drive back from Austin who is in his 60’s and still crushing it in life and everything he does and try to learn from him so that I can try and improve from those ahead of me in life.

Teach those who are coming up behind you. Embrace and help those who are right there with you and learn from those above you.

We tend to make things more complicated than they need to be.

We go to extremes instead of sticking to the basics.

We do too much.

We do too little.

We try to hard.

We stop trying.

We put pressure on ourselves, our kids, our lives, our expectations of others to be the best.

We want to have the most successful business.

We want to be the best dad.

We want to make more money.

We want to be in the best shape.

We want to be good husbands.

We want to still be able to have fun.

We want to be appreciated.

What if we just tried to be Better Than Yesterday?

Could it really be that simple?

What if we applied this notion to all areas of our lives; career, family, fatherhood, finance, fitness, food and made a daily promise to ourselves to improve from the day before?

I’ve been fortunate to spend time around some very bright people of late and it’s remarkable just how simple they keep it.

Success is the result of a consistent, disciplined, focused and quantifiable approach to everything they do.


Give your kids one more hug.

Be kinder to one more person.

Eat one meal better.

Have one fewer drink.

Take a walk.

Go exercise.

If it hurts, stop.

If youre tired, sleep.

If you’re upset, talk.

If you’re overworked, cut back.

If you’re not doing enough, start by doing something.

Don’t go from zero to 100 and don’t go from 100 to zero.

Insert whatever else you need here. There’s nothing that that you can’t do a little better than the day before.

Set yourself up for success, rather than failure.

Be Better Than Yesterday

Flip the switch on what it means to be middle-aged

In the No B.S. Guide to Maximizing Midlife And Getting Back What Matters Most, I break down the three Midlife Male principles to maximizing middle age so you can take back some of the shit you’ve given up.