Living The Fit Life

by | Oct 17, 2021

What is the MidLife Male™?

He’s a guy @35-55 balancing work, life, family, health/fitness, finance/money, some style/fashion - trying to balance it all and live his best life possible without regret.
He’s about having both substance and style. About punching the bully in the mouth. About experiences over things. He’s about quality over quantity. He’s about learning and living. About trying, failing and ultimately succeeding. He’s about questioning things. He’s not trying to fit in or conform. He’s into iconic, classic, timeless style.

He’s about being a great father. About understanding that there are no things more valuable than time, health and family. He’s about knowing when enough is enough. He is about perseverance, discipline and having fun.
I talk to other midlife males on my podcast. I publish a newsletter about fitness, food, fashion, family, finance and fun - not to provide advice or come at this like I'm any kind of expert but rather that we’re all in this together, just trying to do our best, be our best and be happy, secure and comfortable in our own skin - Midlife Male is a lifestyle for "like-minded" guys just trying to figure it all out.
Just hoping to inspire, aspire and perspire together.

I do not make my living in the fitness business.

But I’m very much in the business of living fit.


I’ve yet to find a single negative attribute to being fit and embracing a fit lifestyle.

My deepest personal relationships have developed with like-minded people who share a passion for health & wellness and prioritize fitness & family in their lives.

My strongest, most productive, and most profitable business relationships have come with those who are committed to success physically, mentally, financially, and professionally.

It is not a problem to find the time to exercise. It’s a privilege.

It’s not a sacrifice to eat well. It’s an investment.

Our bodies are meant to move.

Our brains are energized by activity and nutrition.

Our lives are meant to be lived fully and without limits – not held back because we lack physical capability.

Having bodies that function and move optimally can help us far beyond the walls of the gym and allow us to prosper in all aspects of our lives.

Fitness is one of my daily non-negotiables.

I don’t apologize or make excuses for it.

If I can do it, anyone can.

There’s absolutely nothing special about me.

I’m just consistent.

I’m 48, have a wife, kids, career, and the same 24hrs as you.

HERE are 3 simple ways to make exercise a habit from James Clear (And if you’re not following James Clear…You should be.)

Have a great weekend. Get out and do something active and fun!

In Health –


Flip the switch on what it means to be middle-aged

In the No B.S. Guide to Maximizing Midlife And Getting Back What Matters Most, I break down the three Midlife Male principles to maximizing middle age so you can take back some of the shit you’ve given up.